How to Market your Business, in Summer.

It is a fact universally misunderstood – that the best time to do sales and marketing – is in the summer, when everybody is on vacation, and nobody is in the office.

How so?

Because, in reality, “decision makers”. in business, are never on vacation. Either they are indeed in foreign places  but they all have access to their office if needs be; or if you know them already, they all have their mobile phone, and they will be without the barriers of PA and Reception etc etc.

Our most productive months at CRtP – are the gap between Dec 26th and Jan 2nd;  and throughout all of August.

This does not mean to say that you yourself need to cancel your own time away etc.  Please let us do the spadework  for you.  As from July, through to mid August – we all be active in Norway and Sweden and Estonia talking with Hospitals, Lanstings, and Banks. As we broach into September, we will spearhead the “retraite”. and focus on Paris and Bordeaux, and then into Italy. We want to make sure that any marketing plans from your prospects – include what you do.

We are particularly focussing on compliance of GDPR, and how that can affect Banks in particular. Plus the movement towards Community based health services, will grow in importance, particularly in Scandinavia.

Before you go away – make sure you call and meet with us. You will be surprised at our progress, by the time you get back.

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