Software in a New World

We look at the enormous difference that COVID has made to our behaviour in business, healthcare, public services, – and ask; Do we need large systems, any more?

The consensus is – actually we don’t. And we don’t need support either. We already have it. The legacy of COVID, which aI’m not sure that businesses fully understand – is that we can all run our businesses on software Apps that have been custom-made for us all individually, and that rely on mobile tech that we already use, and on clouds that we already access – and that cost very little.

That’s why we are launching our Collaboration with the ECD Company in Bursa, Turkey – who are the creator of many of Turkey’s healthcare modern Apps.

What we are saying is – don’t go buy large systems that had their origins in yesterday’s structures, and rely on yesterday’s structures to keep them alive.

Come to us at CRt and our new ECDCRT collaboration. Tell us exactly what you want as a business. And we will translate that and create the ideal and personalised App, that will run on your Desktop, your mobile phone, your tablet, wherever you can get a connection. And then go spend the financial savings we will offer you – on something else.

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