The biggest reason why individuals, – usually senior managers in companies of various sizes – hesitate and then walk away, from starting their own business – is not that they don’t have a great idea. They just don’t know if it will work.
And I “get” that. It takes serious levels of stupidity and naivety to chuck up a perfectly good job that pays the mortgage and the car finance, for the sake of an idea or dream, that for so many people, might remain just that. 90% of individuals that talk to us fear the issue of “what happens” if things actually “don’t happen”.
Yet for so many people – that dream can indeed come true, it can indeed work. The trick, is to minimise the risk, to know in advance, that yes, there are things called customers, who are serious about working with you. The problem has always been – well how to find them, and not include your family and best mates, who will give you biased and hopelessly optimistic and unrealistic advice anyway.
The CRt TESTBED is a simple and very effective scheme, that takes your concept, your great idea, whatever – and presents that directly to a curated selection. of our 4000+ strategic decision-makers, that we know personally, and who will give us a straight and unbiased and practical; answer to whether your “new solution”. etc – will work, for them at least.
The things is – we already know which of our relationships are likely to be your best port of call, so our CRt TESTBED is an accurate reflection.
Clearly, that does not mean that you have to go ahead and launch something. But at least you can make decisions from a position of knowledge and strength. It can make all the difference.
Call any of us in our CRt Team, for an informal discussion.