The Art of Business Development

We look at why do we always want advice – but we never take advice?

There are various professions and vertical areas, where you and I will take unhesitatingly, someone else’s advice.  Our doctor, our  lawyer, even our husband, wife or partner – come to mind.   Unfortunately, sales and marketing do not fall into that category.

The problem is – that all of us feel we are better at this dark art, than the next guy – however qualified he/she might be – and how ever bad our own performance might stack up. In all of the many meetings that we have had over zillions of years at CRt – this is the single reason why large companies get large – because they indeed DO go out and pay for the best advice and resource they can get; and why small companies stay small – because frankly, they don’t.

This mindset adheres to the basic rule of science which is; if you always do what you always did – you always get what you always got.

And yet there has to be a better way, for the small/medium size company, to at least start the process of developing its business in more tangential ways.  Because for sure – the advent of social media, the clever use of Press, the return to relationship building on a one/one basis – re the new keys to being successful. In short, life has indeed moved on, simply because technology has moved on – and also, for those for whom technology actually does not work – the classic one/one meeting, the cherry picking of prospects rather than the blanket marketing analysis etc – actual works, because it always did work.

For that reason – we now run a monthly Walk-In Clinic, at the Holiday Inn Mayfair, for companies to spend 30 minutes with us in idle chat, where we can look tangentially at their market, and point to those avenues that can actually deliver, instead of their wasting money and time on the more and more difficult process that sales and marketing has become.

Last month we looked at How To Be A Successful Start-Up.

This month, at 2pm on the 26th February – we are looking specifically at the above title; The Dark Art of Business development.  We charge a simple £50.00 per delegate.  You need to register by calling Ann at our office, on 01752 546424.  It’s your call;  lunch and a few beers. somewhere else?  Or making sure your business grows?




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