The NEW Market in Healthcare in Turkey

We look at the hidden potential of a country that makes the headlines for the wrong reasons.

When Steve Leiber, CEO of HIMSS, stood on the platform of the latest eHealth Europe Conference just a few days ago – and said he was leaving early – to take a flight to Turkey – this was the moment that we took notice of this large market that for so long has been underestimated.

Turkey is a difficult market to penetrate, because of frequent changes of key people, and difficulties of communication in english, at Ministerial level.

But that does not mean that the market is too hard, or not welcoming; far from it.

The key is the attitude of individual people, who are welcoming at a human level – and equally welcoming at a clinical and commercial level.

The trick, so to say, is to have a dual approach; formal via diplomatic channels at Embassies etc. And commercial via the usual direct and partner activity, at regional hospital level.

Turkey remans the hub of business between Europe and the Middle East. With vast amounts of Euros coming into Turkey, this is a moment to make a move.

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